Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Human Personality by Type of Pets

Some people have a hobby or a joy to keep certain types of animals in their homes. The animals are treated in such a way and made friends throughout life even. From the interaction of both then established a bond which then represents the character of the keeper.

We can know the character of a person by considering what kind of animal he made as a pet at that time. There are various studies that have been done by a handful of researchers who then produce the statements as we will discuss below. Happy reading!

Nature of Cat Lovers

For the person who makes the cat as his pet, it is most likely to have all or one of the following characteristics: adventurous, creative, and unstable personality. Despite having an unstable personality, they have the added value of intelligence. Based on the results of Carroll University study in Wisconsin, cat owners will tend to be introverted and non-conformist but have a high level of intelligence.

Researchers in the study, Denise Guastello argued that humans tend to choose the type of pet based on their individual characters or personalities. For example, a cat keeper is considered a person who tends to be self-absorbed, very cautious of others, and independent. Cat lovers love to be pampered and also love to pamper especially men. They also prefer to be lazy at home, irresponsible and difficult to make decisions.

Nature of Dog Lovers

A dog owner generally has a healthy body and is adaptable when under stress. They are also rarely diagnosed with depression, especially those who are still unpaired. The researchers tried to argue that the presence of the dog beside it can reduce the sense of solitude and can create a warm feeling. Based on data on research in 2010, dog owners tend to consider themselves as an extrovert, thorough, and easy to agree.

Nature of Bird Lovers

The person who makes the bird as a pet considers himself to be an intelligent and full of expression beyond the owner of a dog even. Their extroverted nature makes it easy for them to fall in love with their work. A survey conducted by Harris Interactive found that a bird owner typically works in advertising, construction, sales, or administration. Another study in 1983 found that someone who had birds as pets showed a high level of dominance. This is very useful for different types of professions.

Nature of Fish Lovers

Type of fish owner is likely to have an introverted nature but easily captivate the hearts of others. In addition, they also have a very diverse lifestyle and self-worth, very disciplined and likes regularity. The findings obtained from a study at the University of Oregan found that most fish keepers are optimistic, friendly and have high expectations. Basically, the fish keeper is someone who is youthful and loves to cultural diversity. But the downside, they tend to be interested in the materialistic things of luxury and spirited rather wild.

Nature of Insect Lovers

Those who keep insects are people who are full of mystery. His nature tends to be pessimistic and prefers to be alone to spend time with his favorite insects. People who make insects as pets also sometimes look boring and like to complain about his life.

Nature of Exotic Animal Lovers

Examples of exotic animals are snakes, beavers, sugar gliders, and others. Exotic animals can be spelled out as wild animals which then made pets 'forced'. Therefore, those who like to raise exotic animals are those who have rebellious nature within themselves. You could say they are also people who really like to try new things that have a lot of experience.

Coupled with the nature of the enamel make them have many friends during his life. Of course, they also have a high cautionary nature and great attention as a positive value. Is there a fit of the above statements about your character? If there is and it is positive, keep that character capable of changing our lives to a better direction. But if it is negative, change the character now and replace it with a new habit.

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