Tuesday, October 10, 2017

10 Types of Reptile that You Can Make as Unique Pets

Tired of seeing a mediocre pet? Do you want to take care and care for animals that are different from others? If you like reptiles with all the advantages and disadvantages, then the 10 types of reptiles below you deserve to make your pet unique and anti-mainstream.

In addition, these unique reptiles you can make as one of your true friends like other pets. Then, what are the reptiles? Continue reading, yes.

1. Phyton Ball

Although it has a phyton name, but this snake is not so terrible. This snake is practically very small with a body length between 90-120 cm only. If you feel threatened or under pressure, Ball Phyton's snake will curl up and wrap its body into a ball. If you want to keep this unique snake, provide a clean and warm place. Feed Phyton Ball can be a mouse given once a week.

2. Monitor Lizard

According to some reptile lovers, this one is the most beautiful pet reptile. Monitor Types Savannah is one of the most common we can find. These beautiful lizards we can keep and breed in the home environment. This unique pet belongs to carnivores that prey on mice that we can give twice a week. This reptile belongs to an intelligent animal, so we need to make a cage that has been made in such a way that he did not run away.

3. Leopard Gecko

The bumpy skin makes this unique reptile into one of the unique and favorite pets of reptile hobbyists. Maintaining this lizard is very easy because it can adapt in any environmental situation.

Leopard Gecko has a body length between 20-28 cm and weight between 45-65 grams. This favorite lizard's favorite food is spiders and crickets. Need to be careful when maintaining a Gecko because the tail is very easy to break, although it will grow back.

4. Red Eared Slider

This shelled reptile is a turtle that lives in fresh water and is often called the Brazilian tortoise. This reptile has a unique characteristic that is on the side of its head in the form of a red mark and looks like an ear. Therefore, this reptile is called red ear / red-eared.

Caring for this turtle is very easy if we know how. There are many preparations to consider before committing to caring for a Brazilian tortoise. For matters of food, we simply provide the feed in the form of plants as much as 2 or 3 times a week.

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5. Blue Tongue Skink

Why named Blue Tongue Skink? Of course, because the tongue of this unique reptile is blue. The function of the blue tongue is to frighten the predators who intend to attack it. These omnivorous lizards belong to pets that easy going means easy to mingle and not afraid of humans. Therefore, keeping this animal is easy to do because it is easy to adapt.

This reptile comes from the Australian continent, with a body length of about 17-24 inches. Another unique thing about this lizard is that it does not breed by laying but breeding. A Blue Tongue Skink can survive for up to 20 years.

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6. African Sulcata Tortoise

These reptiles include the world's largest tortoises. Sulcata tortoises are also considered herbivorous animals that like to eat fruits.This turtle has a spur on his leg that has no function at all. These pets include easy to maintain and the average weight can reach 80 kg. Because of its size is quite large compared to other types of turtles, it is not suitable for maintaining these reptiles in the room. Make a cage to plant this Sulcata turtle outside the home or garden.

7. Russian Tortoise

This tortoise is slightly different from other land reptiles because of its shy nature. The length of the body of a Russian turtle can reach 6-10 inches with a round shell shape. This pet food is grass and weeds.

8. Chameleon

The type of reptile that can do mimicry, which is to change the body color according to its environment is very easy to stress. Therefore, this animal is quite difficult to maintain at home. In contrast to other reptiles, chameleons do not like much interference from the owner. The type of chameleon worthy of pets is Panther and Veiled Jackson.

9. Corn Snake

The Corn Snake is an easy-to-maintain and completely non-venomous reptile. The color and pattern  on this snake looks very interesting and charming. Because of this, this snake can be called very 'eye catching'. When fed, the snake is very calm and calm. His body can reach a length of 1.2-1.8 meters. This snake's favorite food is a field mouse and this reptile is able to live until the age of 23 years.

10. Bearded Dragon or Pogona

These lizards come from the Australian continent and are usually treated in a captivity. This reptile is very friendly and soft. Body length can reach 2 meters with yellow and brown. Then, why is this lizard named Dragon Bearded / Bearded Dragon? Because if you feel threatened, this reptile will stretch the neck so it appears to have a beard and also will look like a dragon.

Already made your choice? Whatever type of reptile you choose later, always give the best care and affection for them. Hopefully, you and your unique reptile will later become true friends between different kinds of living things.

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